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Year 11 Leavers Assembly

Year 11 Leavers Assembly

Our Year 11 Leavers Assembly was a chance to say goodbye to our students – and for them to say goodbye to us and one another. There were a range of presentations, speeches

From Here to September - Plans & Problems

From Here to September - Plans & Problems

The following message went out to parents on Friday 12 July With the end of term close now we wanted to give you a school update including the closing and opening arrangements

Bus Problems for Fradley, Streethay & Hill Ridware Routes & Issues for Parents Too

Bus Problems for Fradley, Streethay & Hill Ridware Routes & Issues for Parents Too

We were contacted by Student Transport from Staffordshire County Council yesterday to relate that there will be major road works along Eastern Avenue over the next two weeks

School Sports Day

School Sports Day

School Sports Day went off with a bang as Year 7-10 took to the track and field to do their tutor group and House pride. There were a wide range of events including sprints, distance

Year 13 Leavers Assembly & Meal

Year 13 Leavers Assembly & Meal

We said our final goodbye to our Year 13 leavers with our annual Leavers’ Assembly and Meal. At the Leavers’ Assembly we were able to recognise a multitude of student achievements

National Armed Forces Day

National Armed Forces Day

Our recent Focus Week celebrated National Armed Forces Day at the Friary with an abundance of activities and visits in and out of school across year groups. During the hottest

Year 9 Normandy Trip

Year 9 Normandy Trip

Our Year 9 excursion to Normandy took record numbers this year with well over 100 students travelling down to Chateau Beaumont near Lavel in Normandy. The long journey down went

Year 11 Leavers Assembly & Prom

Year 11 Leavers Assembly & Prom

Our Year 11 celebrations proved to be a fantastic end to the cohort’s formal time with us – although we hope to be re-uniting with the majority of them as they move into

Sixth Form Park Run

Sixth Form Park Run

As one of their endeavours to raise money for Pathways, our Sixth Form charity, Year 12 students completed a 5km sponsored Park Run in Beacon Park. A number of our students volunteer

Cannock and District Tennis Tournament

Cannock and District Tennis Tournament

In the week Wimbledon returns, so did the Cannock and District Tennis Tournament. On Monday, our U13s pairs took on 5 other schools in round robins matches, each played the best



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