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Year 9 House Debating Competition

Year 9 House Debating Competition

Our Year 9 Debate competition took place this week, with students debating the motion, ‘It is the responsibility of the state to care for the elderly,’ as part of

Advising Families About AI Voice Scams

Advising Families About AI Voice Scams

During our recent Safer Internet Focus Week we tested out our student, staff and parents with a phishing scam and in all groups there were people who fell for it. This was very

Post-18 Options Careers Fair at the Lichfield Guildhall

Post-18 Options Careers Fair at the Lichfield Guildhall

As part of the raising aspirations programme, a selection of Year 12 students visited a local careers event at the Guildhall in Lichfield to support their post-18 options. Students

Dave Robertson MP Visits School

Dave Robertson MP Visits School

We were fortunate to have Dave Robertson, MP for Lichfield, Burntwood and villages, visited our school to meet with students and school leaders as part of his support for our

Focus Week: Building Healthy Relationships with Food

Focus Week: Building Healthy Relationships with Food

Students have been learning about healthy eating and ways of building healthy relationships with food. In assembly, students have been learning about the nutrients they need for

Friary Year 7 and Year 8 Boys Dominate Hockey Tournament

Friary Year 7 and Year 8 Boys Dominate Hockey Tournament

The Friary boys’ hockey teams showed outstanding skill and team-work in their recent tournament against King Edwards and Lichfield Cathedral. With three teams representing

Friary Students at the MusicShare Concert

Friary Students at the MusicShare Concert

A joyful concert featuring a massed choir. This is the culmination of one of MusicShare’s many projects. MusicShare is a schools’ singing programme, which is a partnership between

KS3 Independent Learning Quiz - World Book Day

KS3 Independent Learning Quiz - World Book Day

Tensions were high for the final KS3 Independent Learning Quiz of the year, and all Houses put forward their best teams to test their knowledge for World Book Day. Students showed

Rotary Schools Concert

Rotary Schools Concert

For over 30 years The Rotary Club of Lichfield has been producing its very successful Annual Schools’ Concert as the principal Community Event of the year giving young people

Y7 Footballers Victorious over The Hart

Y7 Footballers Victorious over The Hart

In an exciting game our Year 7 boys proved victorious in their match against a talented team from The Hart School. In what was a close first half, The Hart took the lead when



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