KS4 Information
The Key Stage Four curriculum runs through Years 10-11 and the timetable operates on a two-week cycle with Week A and Week B differing.
There are currently 25 lessons per week with each lesson lasting 1 hour.
Year 10
The Year 10 students pursue the following lessons across the fortnight:
English | 8 lessons | Maths | 8 lessons | Science | 8 lessons |
Core PE | 2 lessons | Core ICT | 2 lessons | PSHE | 2 lessons (min) |
The following subjects are offered as options and each subject delivers their curriculum through 4/5 lessons per fortnight:
Art | Business/Enterprise | Creative Media | Engineering |
Film Studies | French | Geography | Health & Social Care |
History | Hospitality & Catering | Music | PE / Sport |
Performing Arts | PSHE | RE | Triple Science |
Year 11:
The Year 11 students pursue the following lessons across the fortnight:
English | 8 lessons | Maths | 8 lessons | Science | 8 lessons |
Sport | 2 lessons | ICT | 2 lessons | PSHE | 2 lessons (min) |
The following subjects are offered as options and each subject delivers their curriculum through 4/5 lessons per fortnight:
Art | Business/Enterprise | Creative Media | Engineering |
Film Studies | French | Geography | Health & Social Care |
History | Hospitality & Catering | Music | PE / Sport |
Performing Arts | RE | Triple Science |
Tutor Time:
Additionally, every student has a 25 minutes tutor time session on a daily basis which addresses a series of themes connected to our set tutor time programme which incorporates PSHE and our Focus Week programme. These sessions are mapped against a wide range of important criteria including Every Child Matters, SMSC, British Values, Careers, The Friary Ethic, etc, to ensure we hit all curriculum aspects.
KS4 Extra-Curricular:
The school runs targeted exam boosters and revision sessions throughout the year which can be either voluntary or directed depending on the progression of the individual student. These sessions include our popular Saturday School.
Furthermore, we run a wide range of extra-curricular activities – including sports, performing arts, homework clubs and subject area clubs – throughout the school year.
The school-run sessions can at times run alongside externally provided sessions which sometimes come at a charge for students. However, the over-riding principle is that our sessions are free unless there is a specialist activity that we cannot provide. In this case, students in receipt of Free School Meals can contact the school to obtain financial support.
These are in addition to more formal activities including sports team matches and school shows and performances.
Further Information:
For more information about the Key Stage Four curriculum, please contact Sam Sullivan, Assistant Headteacher, via office@friaryschool.co.uk.