Personal, Social Heath & Economic (PSHE) Education

PSHE education is a crucial curriculum subject that helps children and young people stay healthy, safe and prepared for life – and work – in modern Britain.

We are a school that very much seeks to develop the whole child, and though PSHE does not come with an exam result or a formal certificate, it is for us essential that the currency of exam results is matched by the currency of readiness for life.

Our school’s PSHE curriculum is based around the guidance provided by the PSHE Association and we map our provision against the appropriate standards set in their nationally recognised Programme for Study for PSHE Education.

Our PSHE delivery runs through tutor time lessons, assemblies and drop-down days where focused topics are explored for different Year groups within our Focus Week programme. We regularly bring in outside speakers, we dovetail our sessions with school-wide activities, and we make sure that parents are fully briefed too so the topics can be explored at home as a family.

Each Year group has a clear road map for their learning so that they can chart their journey and be clear on their progression through the statutory and advised PSHE content.

Key Stage Three (Years 7-9) Road Map

Key Stage Four (Years 10-11) Road Map

Furthermore, our Sixth Form students undertake a bespoke programme based around our cohort’s specific needs but also taking in the guidance of the ‘Your Journey of Life’ which is targeted at their specific age and stage.

Certainly, our PSHE programme is an integral part of our whole-school curriculum and we test the strength of our deliver in external reviews of our provision whether it be via our SMSC Quality Mark, our Online Safety Mark, or one of our other curriculum awards.

For more information about our PSHE programme, please contact Helen Barratt, Assistant Headteacher, via