Governance at The Friary School

Our Governing Body is well-experienced and has a firm grasp of the operational and strategic approaches of the school. They know the school well, are wholly in touch with school life, and are passionate advocates in terms of provision and on-going school improvement.

The Governing Body

The Governing Body at The Friary School is made up of broad skill-set and consists of:


Name Status End of Term Focus
Jane Mackenzie Co-Opted 22/05/25 Chair of Governors
Gary Beddow Co-Opted 26/11/27  
Matt Allman Staff On-Going Headteacher
Angie Brough Staff 25/02/2028  
Anne Carlisle Co-Opted 05/09/24 Behaviour & Attitudes / Personal Development (inc Safeguarding)
Lyse Edwards Parent 08/03/26 Vice-Chair of Governors / Behaviour & Attitudes / Personal Development (inc Well-Being)
Gillian Findlay Co-Opted 19/09/27 Quality of Education (inc SEND / Pupil Premium)
Greg Sugden Parent 06/07/24 16-19 Programmes (inc Careers)
Nicola Townsend Parent 11/05/24 Quality of Education (inc SEND / Pupil Premium)
Nina Worrall Co-Opted 02/12/26 MST Link & Leadership & Management (inc H&S & GDPR)

In addition, meetings are attended by Lisa Pratt, Clerk to Governors.

The Governing Body has gone through formal reconstitution and membership is currently full.

The Business & Pecuniary Interests of the Governing Body can be seen here.

Governors Meetings

All governors have voting rights at the Full Governors Meeting.

 The Governors meet on just over a half-termly basis as a full group to lead and evaluate school improvement.

The attendance record of our governors can be seen here.

Focus Team Meetings

The Governing Body is broken down into Focus Teams to address key priorities and lead developmental areas for the school. These include: (i) Quality of Education; (ii) Leadership & Management; (iii) Personal Development; (iv) Behaviour & Attitudes; and (v) Sixth Form (16-19).

The designated governors are paired with a senior leader linked to their focus area and engage in visits and meetings with staff and students in order to explore, evaluate and challenge our provision with a full insight.

Governors Student Panel

This half-termly group meets with students and their parents/carers in order to address issues of concern or success relating to achievement, behaviour and/or attendance.

Policies & Procedures Committee

This half-termly meeting reviews policies, practices and procedures and supports school systems and operations remaining on line.

Further Information

The relevant documentation pertaining to the Governor Meetings is available on request from the school via Lisa Pratt, Clerk to the Governors. Lisa Pratt is contactable via email on:

Furthermore, the Register of Interests of the Headteacher and Governors and is available on request from the school via Lisa Pratt, Clerk to the Governors.