Our Year 12 Partnership Evening welcomed in the parents of our latest Sixth Form cohort and painted a realistic but sobering picture of the post-18 landscape.

This Y12 cohort recently obtained the highest GCSE-level results our school has ever obtained and they have the incentive of matching the highest A-Level grade average ever which was achieved by last year’s Year 13, so there is everything to go for.

However, the over-riding messages was that planning and care is essential in determining the best route through expensive university fees, highly competitive student / graduate employment opportunities, the limited number of higher-level apprenticeships, and the preparation needed to enjoy and develop in a gap year.

The presentations for the evening included:

* Main Presentation
* Standing Out
* Applying to University
* Higher Education

Helen Barrett, Assistant Headteacher, said: “We are very optimistic for the future of our students but we recognise that careful planning, maximum commitment and a full awareness of what is required is essential in ensuring our students steal a march on their competitors. It is a tough climate out there, but with the right combined approach from students, their families, and our school, there is every chance of lomg-term success and happiness.”