Well-Being & Workload

We place a high value on our entire staffing body, but we are very conscious that our teaching staff are our most precious classroom resource, especially in a climate of teacher shortages and national problems with recruitment and retention.

Consequently, we work hard to ensure that our teaching team experience success and a personal sense of accomplishment, which is balanced with a thoughtful consideration of how we can support their well-being and workload.

The life of a teacher is often frenetic and demanding, but in the right climate it can also be tremendous fun and hugely rewarding. We as a school cannot promise to alleviate all of the former, but we can make sure we enable plenty of the latter to come to the fore.

Central to our provision is our Well-Being and Workload Charter which sets our clear expectations in our working relationship and provide a clear anchor which underpins our work.


Our commitment to support well-being includes:

  • At least 1 hr non-contact time above 10%
  • Shared calendar planning
  • Supported and personal appraisal system
  • Senior staff drop-in availability
  • Counselling provision
  • HSF Health Care Plan
  • Comprehensive CPD programme
  • Staff surveys
  • Staff newsletter
  • Staff mental health ambassadors
  • Staff social events
  • External support; Eg – finance, health, etc


Our commitment to support workload includes:

  • Annual layout of contractual commitments
  • Realistic and structured lesson planning
  • Reduced data collections
  • Department-led meeting schedule
  • Examiner Days
  • Minimalised cover and supervision duties
  • A coherent whole-school teaching model
  • Realistic marking loads / schedules
  • Annual tutor reports
  • Governor workload review of policies
  • Development roles / posts
  • School-to-school support

Further Information

For more information about our Well-Being & Workload provision at our school, please contact Lisa Pratt, School Manager, via office@friaryschool.co.uk.