The Friary Pen

‘The Friary Pen’ is our student-led E-zine (an online magazine) which encourages students to reflect on their learning from both school and the wider world. It very much harnesses the minds and creativity of our students and has attracted literary contributions from a diverse group of students.

Contextually, the project offers workshops and industry experience of writing, creating, and publishing. Alongside the workshops is a termly publication where students create, collate, edit and then publish an Ezine.

Certainly, school staff have bene thrilled to see learning take on a personal twist and it has been described as wonderful to see classroom learning blossom into independent thought and narrative. Meanwhile, the students have been impressed with the articles and they have gained high regard as they over bereavement, knife crime and migration.

Issue 1 – Anywhere
Issue 2 – Anyone
Issue 3 – Beginnings & Endings
Issue 4 – Challenges & Fears

The above publications are well worth a read and we would encourage all students to put pen to paper and make their mark. Words are powerful and when your mind is learning so many new things everyday then your opinions, imagination and flair maters.

Certainly, the key objective of our school curriculum is to open up our students’ minds to the world around them. We want them to become well-informed but more be able to articulate and express independent viewpoints that educate, inform and inspire others. Learning is not about exams, it is about moving forward and then making your mark in the world. We would defy anyone who reads ‘The Friary Pen’ and says that our Friary students aren’t fulfilling this goal.

To learn more about The Friary Pen, please contact Sam Sullivan, Assistant Headteacher, via