
We pride ourselves on knowing all of our students well, taking care of them whilst allowing them to grow, and challenging them whilst always securing a safety net for them to fall into if they over-stretch. We are not a school which is about ‘bums-on-seats’, but rather we prefer to know, develop and celebrate every individual.

For the overwhelming majority of students, Sixth Form life with us brings a mixture of welcome routine, excitement, fun and laughter, wide opportunities for personal growth, and a whole heap of study that takes each student forward towards their goals.

The Sixth Form Team

The Sixth Form Team are based in the Sixth Form area and are always on hand to provide help, support and guidance:

Helen Barratt – Assistant Headteacher
Amy Jones – Head of Sixth Form
Adel Stubbs – Sixth Form Mentor & Admin Support
Faye Bullock – Careers & Aspiration Mentor

Support in Learning

Our Sixth Form team closely monitor the progress of every student to ensure they are on track to meet their ambitious targets. This could be challenge, or support, but it is always about maximising levels of a achievement.

Independent study is a combination of supervised study in school and designated home learning slots for those students demonstrating effective independent learning and absolute responsibility in completing their subject assignments. Each student is regularly assessed to determine where they sit on this continuum and interventions are plotted in as and when required.

Those students needing support to deal with the challenges of higher level learning can get bespoke support whether it be workload management, revision, or note-taking. Elsewhere, those students requiring specific support in grasping key subject content will benefit from 1-to-1 with subject staff who can bridge any gaps.

Support in Personal Development

Our 3Cs refer to Currency, Character and Culture and these principles are at the heart of our Sixth Form provision.

We see to ensure that students work hard to gain the best possible qualifications so that they can use them as a currency to move forward and progress.

We seek to develop students’ character so they build confidence, surety, commitment and responsibility and we do this through a wide range of academic and enrichment opportunities.

Finally, we seek to create a culture where compassionate leadership, respect for others, and a mutual resilience foster a community whereby every student feels valued, supported and able to succeed.

Our Sixth Form schedule is mapped against these 3Cs so we can be clear that every student will acquire the key traits necessary to secure and progress into their post-18 destination.

Support in Well-Being

Our extensive well-being and mental health provision in the main school continues to be offered within our Sixth Form as though maturity offers perspective it does not place one above the difficulties of dealing with the challenges and strains of life.

Our Sixth Form team offer bespoke mentoring and there is wider school and external mentoring, counselling and specialist support as required. This support is always balanced with challenge and is not only about assisting with immediate need, but also in securing long-term welfare and success.

For more information about support in Sixth Form life, please contact Helen Barratt, Assistant Headteacher, via