Show My Homework remains our vehicle for homework and all of our new Year 7s have already received their details to access the facility.

The Home Leaning Assignments (HLAs) for Years 7-9 have already been put on and are working their way through.

We would always encourage parents to check the package regularly with their children to ensure no homework is missed and to help develop their child’s independence to be ready to work alone in GCSE and beyond.

Indeed, many parents will talk to us about their child struggling with the COVID experience, or mental health and well-being concerns, or issues with behaviour at home or with relationships, but one of the best things to support this is clear and consistent structures and routines that they can rely on. Consequently, checking work, planning time to do it, and taking a genuine interest – however hard this can be to pin down and maintain – is one of the best ways to support any child.

Carrie Cain, Assistant Headteacher, said: “Show My Homework remains one of the best providers out here and we received a lot of positive feedback during the COVID lockdowns. If any parents experience difficulties logging on then please send you query to and we will get back to you straight away.