School Leaders
Every child looks to leaders in a school. It could be to a friend who knows the way or to a tutor group rep reporting back from the House Council. It could be to the Year 11 speaking in assembly about their revision techniques or to the Head Girl giving a formal address in our city’s cathedral. Leaders come in all shapes and sizes.
Elsewhere, there are many leaders amongst staff. It could be the favourite teacher inspiring wonder on their classroom stage or the form tutor welcoming in the start of a new day. It could be canteen supervisor smoothing out the way to the shortest queue or one of our site team steering a path around the latest building renovation. It could be the Head of House giving a rallying cry for their team or the Assistant Headteacher running through the Year 9 Pathways.
Beyond these leaders, every school has their senior leaders, and here are ours:
Chair of Governors – Jane Mackenzie
Jane is a local health care professional with the Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. Her vast experience in the NHS brings transferrable skills such as being able to work under pressure and analyse situations quickly. She has a thorough understanding of government-based organisations, and she is a practical problem solver. In addition to her professional role, she was a governor at a local primary school for eight years, (four of which were as Chair). Jane joined Friary Governing Body seeking to support the school with the skills and experience she had gained in her previous governor role. She has a particular interest in Post-16 education opportunities and in Safeguarding. Jane has seen her children go through the school so has a full appreciation of how the school operates both strategically and day-to-day. This informs her committed readiness to challenge the school to avoid standing still and to continually improve. Jane can be contacted via our Clerk to Governors, Lisa Pratt, on |
Headteacher – Matt Allman
Matt has extensive experience in education having worked in education since the mid-1990s and having been on the senior leadership team in five schools across London and the Midlands. He has held two headships and has been Headteacher at The Friary School since September 2016. He has developed high-level expertise in leadership, coaching, teaching, learning and assessment, as well as having spoken at a range of national conferences. He also has executive leadership experience as the former CEO of The Greywood Multi-Schools Trust. Matt’s leadership style has attracted high praise from OFSTED with his two inspection reports as Headteacher describing “the abundant energy and enthusiasm that characterises your leadership” and “rapidly created confidence in his vision”. Matt can be contacted via our Main Office on |
Deputy Headteacher – Lottie Hearn
Lottie originally trained in Theatre Design and Technology and started her career working in theatre and film, as well as on theatre in education projects in schools and communities across England. It was this work that led her to qualify as a Design and Technology teacher, pursuing her love of working with young people and helping them to develop their creativity. Lottie worked in secondary schools in Stoke-on-Trent for over ten years before moving to The Friary School in September 2009 as Assistant Headteacher. Her creative background and experience in different catchments under-pins her inclusive and imaginative approach. Elsewhere, Lottie possesses a wide expertise as a qualified SENCO and as an experienced in CPD leader and coach. She is a superb networker, builds up enthusiastic and sustained relationships, and embraces our local community to help our school to thrive. Lottie can be contacted via our Main Office on |
Beyond this, we have huge experience across our Governing Body, more still with our pro-active and engaged Trust Board within the Primitas Learning Partnership, and a driven Senior Leadership Team who are ambitious, creative and highly skilled.
You can contact all of our school leaders via email on