School Closure
Regrettably, there are occasionally factors that enforce an emergency closure at our school in what would otherwise be a normal school day.
The decision to close a school is never universally agreed upon – this end we feel damned either way – but rest assured this will only happen as a very last resort. We hold the principle that we will always remain open if we possibly can.
All school closures in Staffordshire are reported on the Staffordshire County Council website and can be viewed here.
Snow Closure
Amidst an increased likelihood of adverse weather conditions, the sight of snow is never welcome at our school during term-time as before the first snowflake hits the ground our switchboard will light up with a query as to whether we are closing.
In the event of heavy snowfall over the weekend, in the evening, or overnight, we will check the site early in the morning to determine whether we can feasibly open.
Other factors will be taken on board including the weather forecast, transport information from Staffordshire County Council and bus companies, and staff availability in the wider region.
We will endeavour to inform parents by no later than 7.30am but we will always try and make the call as early as we can. It is not always possible to make an immediate call as we wrestle with how easily we can clear a very large site and we start getting calls in from stranded staff.
The decision will be communicated in a number of ways – text messages, the school website, Facebook and Twitter. We will also flag up the decision on the Staffordshire County Council website.
Alternatively, if worsening conditions during the school day culminate in a decision to close, then we will following the same notification arrangements.
We will notify and release the students in calm and staggered way, we will endeavour to maintain a canteen service bearing in mind that some children will not otherwise get to eat, and we will remain open for stranded students until they can safely get home.
Planned Closures
In more recent times we have seen the re-emergence of industrial action and royal coronation holidays causing closures or partial closures of schools.
Fortunately, these planned closures mean that we can notify families in advance of any such arrangements and we will always seek to do this in good time so plans at home can be made with a minimum of fuss.
Emergency Closures
If we have to stage a non-weather related emergency closure then we will follow the same procedures as with our snow closures.
We will disclose full reasons for the decision to all parents after the event.
Further Information
If you require any further information about School Closures, please contact Richard Barnett-Richards, Deputy Headteacher, via