
Our school’s curriculum builds up the memorisation of key knowledge and concepts, as well as the specific subjects skills and techniques, over time and so the final exams will see students well-equipped for the challenge ahead and needing only to review (not re-learn) what they already know.

Even so, each subject area will offer specific guidance on revision materials and these will be supplemented by scheduled boosters and revision sessions throughout the school year.

Both mock and formal exams will be accompanied by a wide range of subject resources and these will be made available via lessons and Show My Homework / Satchel One.


The following websites have been judged amongst the strongest to use for GCSE revision:

You also have a wide range of subject specific websites which you are already very familiar with.


The following apps have been judged amongst the strongest to use for GCSE revision:

  • BBC Bitesize
  • Revision App
  • Revision Buddies
  • Gojimo
  • iMindMap
  • GCSE Maths: Revision Questions
  • Exam Countdown

Revision Strategies

There will be a range of revision material provided through Years 10-11 but general strategies like mind maps, revision cards, short-answer tests, past papers, etc, are always useful.

The following resources also offer you structure and guidance in your exam revision:

Further Information

For more information about all forms of revision, please contact Sophie Grigg, Assistant Headteacher, via