Any school is stronger if it has a parent body which is committed to both their child(ren) and the school that serves them.

We are fortunate to be supported by a wonderful Parent, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA). They are an incredible part of school life and, whilst in many secondary schools the role of parents in school life is often remote, we are blessed with a lively, creative and committed group.

Beyond this, we also have a broad group of parents who do not have the time to commit to the running of events, but are ready to turn-out, have some fun, and support the fund-raising that contributes so much to their child’s education.

There is a lot to be said about doing worthy work simply through scoffing a bratwurst at Oktoberfest, wracking brains on ‘Cheese or Service Station’ (really) at quiz night, crying with laughter at a stand-up comedian, or sipping a cold drink in the setting sun at the Summer Sizzler.

The Team

The PTFA Team is led by the following parents / staff:

  • Chair of PTFA – Jo Meakin
  • Vice-Chair of PTFA – Louise Roche
  • Treasurer – Beatrix Peck
  • Secretary – Lynn Burman
  • Bar Manager – Paula Young
  • Deputy Bar Manager – Ben Meakin
  • School Link – Lottie Hearn (Deputy Headteacher)

In addition, there are around another thirty active members and, as well as pulling together for the school, the group get along fantastically well, and there are social events through the year too.

During and before COVID times, we suffered from parents not being able to get so involved. We now have a PTFA team whose children are getting older and are heading into their final years with us. Consequently, we are really keen to get new parents on board – whether it be regular or occasional support – so if you can help please sign up.


In a normal school year the PTFA would be involved in a wide range of activities including:

  • Oktoberfest
  • Xmas Raffle
  • PTFA Quiz
  • ‘Encore’ Bars
  • Summer Raffle
  • Your School Lottery
  • Bags 2 School Days
  • Non-Uniform Days
  • ‘Battle of the Bands’ Bar
  • Comedy Night
  • Sports Day
  • ‘Whole-School Show’ Bars
  • Santa Run
  • George Hotel Event
  • ‘Lower School Show’ Bar
  • Summer Sizzler Bar

These events are publicised through school messages to parents and via the school’s website and social media platforms.

Elsewhere the PTFA run a weekly lottery via Your School Lottery which offers weekly school prizes, as well as a weekly national draw for £25,000. You can follow the link above and search ‘The Friary School’ to sign up and buy a £1 weekly ticket.

Also, the PTFA have set up a Friary Brand Shop which sells a range of school-related items for gifts, etc.

Finally, you can help through Easy Fund Raising where you simply log into this website before continuing your online shopping and every purchase sends free donations to our school.

In recent years, these events and sign-ups have raised around £15,000 annually and the PTFA team are always looking out for new events and new ideas.


The Friary PTFA have funded a wide range of developments in recent years including:

  • New Sixth Form Centre
  • Theatre Improvements
  • Library Reading Books
  • New ICT Resources
  • Canteen Extension
  • Music Equipment

Our PTFA is currently focusing fund-raising on new ICT equipment for the school library and to build a garden for leisure, gardening clubs and potentially horticulture qualifications.

 There is no doubt that Friary children do better, are happier, and have more opportunities simply through a proactive and supportive PTFA and parent body. Children who see their parents engaging actively and positively with staff have more reason to invest in relationships with their teachers and their school

Further Information

If you require any further information about our PTFA or wish to sign up and contribute, please contact Lottie Hearn, Deputy Headteacher, via