DfE Performance Tables

The DfE Performance Tables are updated annually in November of each year and give a full picture of the school performance data for the most recent full academic year.

We publish this validated data each year at this time – but already we can state that our 2024 outcomes are exceptionally strong.

The DfE Performance Tables 2023-2024 for The Friary School can be found here.

The DfE Performance Tables also allow parents to compare schools in Staffordshire and this data can be found here.

Statutory Key Stage Four Data

The following statutory reported performance data relates to our Year 11 cohort from the last validated set of exam data in Summer 2023:

Progress 8 Score = +0.73 (Well Above Average)
% of Students Entering the E-Bacc = 59%
% of Students Scoring a Grade 5 in GCSE English & Maths = 53%
% Staying in Education / Entering Employment = 97%
Attainment 8 Score = 56.5
National Average = 0.0
National Average = 39%
National Average = 45%
National Average = 94%
National Average = 46.2

Statutory Sixth Form Data

The following statutory reported performance data related to our Year 13 cohort from the last validated set of exam data in Summer 2023.

In terms of student outcomes the Department for Education did not use progress measures due to the students having received Teacher Assessed Grades for their baseline GCSEs. Instead, the Performance Tables will focus on average grades until Summer 2024:

A-Level Average Grade = B (39.23)
Vocational Average Grade = Distinction + (39.08)
Students Progressing to Higher Education or Training = 83%
National Average = B (38.87)
National Average = Distinction- (31.98)
National Average = 68%

Further Information

For more information about the school’s performance data, please contact Matt Allman, Headteacher, via office@friaryschool.co.uk.