Extra-Curricular Activities – Summer 2024

Day After School Day
MONDAY * Homework Club – All Years – Library – 3.10 – 4.30pm
* Athletics – All Years – Field – 3.15 – 4.15pm
* Foreign Languages Club – Year 7 to 9 – C9 – 11.10 – 11.35am
* Senior Choir – Years 10 to 13 – A1 – 3.10 – 4.10pm
* Junior Choir – Years 7 to 9 – A1 – 12.35 – 1.10pm
* Sports Fixtures – as per regional schedules
* KS3 / KS4 / Sixth Form Boosters – Selected Groups / Students
TUESDAY * Homework Club – All Years – Library – 3.10 – 4.30pm
* Science Club – Year 7 – S7 – 11.10-11.35am
* The Friary Pen Club – All Years – English Department – 3.15 – 4.15pm
* Dance Club – All Years – Dance Studio – 3.15 – 4.30pm
* History Club – Year 7 to 9 – U6/C9 – 3.10 – 4.10pm
* Performing Arts Club – Year 7 to 8 – Theatre – 3.10 – 4.15pm
* Sports Fixtures – as per regional schedules
* KS3 / KS4 / Sixth Form Boosters – Selected Groups / Students
WEDNESDAY * Homework Club – All Years – Library – 3.10 – 4.30pm
* Orchestra – All Years – A1 – 12.35 – 1.10pm
* Digital Creators – Year 8 & 9 – C3 – 11.10 – 11.35am
* Enterprise Club – Years 8 & 9 – C10 – 3.15 – 4.05pm
* Show Band – All Years – A2 – 3.15 – 4.15pm
* iDEA – Digital Enterprise Award – Year 7 – C7 – 11.10 – 11.35am
* Drama Monologue Club – Year 10 to 13 – 3.10 – 4.15pm
* Cricket – All Years – Field – 3.15 – 4.15pm
* Sports Fixtures – as per regional schedules
* KS3 / KS4 / Sixth Form Boosters – Selected Groups / Students
THURSDAY * Homework Club – All Years – Library – 3.10 – 4.30pm
* Rounders – All Years – Field – 3.15 – 4.15pm
* Performing Arts Club – Year 9 – Theatre – 3.10 – 4.15pm
* Book Club – Years 7 to 9 – Library – 3.10 – 4.00pm (2nd half-term)
* Sports Fixtures – as per regional schedules
* KS3 / KS4 / Sixth Form Boosters – Selected Groups / Students
FRIDAY * Homework Club – All Years – Library – 3.10 – 4.30pm
* Sports Fixtures – as per regional schedules
* KS3 / KS4 / Sixth Form Boosters – Selected Groups / Students

Furthermore, this school year will see Drama and Music rehearsals for shows through the year whether it be the whole-school show (‘The Sound of Music’) in the Autumn Term, ‘Battle of the Bands’ or the variety show ‘Encore’ in the Spring Term, or the Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9) show (TBC) in the Summer Term (Wednesday 29 March – Friday 31 March).

Additionally, we have the following offer for selected students / Year groups:

Saturday School

Saturday School largely runs from 9.30-11.30am on selected weekends through the school year and these are publicised with targeted students / parents.

These free tutoring sessions largely focus on Year 10 – Year 13 students facing exams though it is an option for any student in the targeted Year group wishing to conduct private study in the slot.

The sessions are voluntary – though occasionally parents may be contacted to ensure their child attends – and they are non-uniform.

All student must sign in at the reception point before going to their sessions.

Holiday School

Holiday School takes place in the February Half-Term, Easter and May Half-Term holidays and are usually directed towards Year 10 – Year 13 students facing exams.

Again, the sessions are voluntary – though occasionally parents may be contacted to ensure their child attends – and they are non-uniform.

Further Information:

For more information about the Extra-Curricular Provision, please contact Richard Barnett-Richards, Assistant Headteacher, via office@friaryschool.co.uk.