
We are fortunate to work within a school that offers diversity in terms of disability, gender, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation and this is very much something we celebrate.

To this end, we are steadfast in our protection and respect for the statutory Protected Characteristics which are secured in law.

We place a great emphasis on ensuring that all of our students are educated to recognise, value and respect this diversity so that they can carry this ethos forward into adult life. These perspectives are an integral part of our British identity and our curriculum ensures that they are supported, informed and reflected upon.

Our commitment in equalities is a key pillar of our daily practice; whether it be personalised provision in lessons, pastoral support related to identity, or having a school environment which facilitates accessibility that befits our special Pathways Status (which see our school hold a special status as a setting that is readily available to physically disabled students).

More broadly, our curriculum’s PHSE and Focus Weeks address key equalities themes and issues with regular topic including Black History Month Gay Pride, International Women’s Day, Holocaust Memorial Day or Respect For All Week. This careful and cohesive curriculum planning is reflected in our curriculum awards, particularly our SMSC Award and our Holocaust Beacon School Status. These initiatives provide a fanfare and rallying cry but are underpinned by systematic support and interventions to instil a daily practice, rather than just tick-a-box grand-standing.

Our school community gets personalised support and this means that provision differs from student to student and staff member to staff member. However, what underpins all of this bespoke support is a principle that everyone deserves to be heard, considered and supported – and this standpoint is wholly non-negotiable and wholly equal.

For more information about Equalities, please contact Lottie Hearn, Deputy Headteacher, via office@friaryschool.co.uk.