Continuing professional development is an integral part of professional life at The Friary School and we aim to ensure our staff grow and flourish just as well as our students.

Our CPD programme is plotted through the year and whatever you role there are opportunities to challenge yourself, improve yourself and move forward in your working life.


Our teachers benefit from a broad internal package of training that focuses on our Friary Framework approach but also branches out into wider themes whether this be linked to leadership or safeguarding, raising achievement or pastoral interventions, and more besides.

There are also external opportunities which include National Professional Qualifications, PIXL, local Teaching School provision and Exam Board training.

Furthermore, we have fixed term staff development posts which come up periodically and support teachers in moving forward in their career.

Early Career Teaching & Trainee Teachers

As a base for training, The Friary School is committed to developing the talents of the teachers of the future and as such has made a large investment in supporting new entrants into the profession.

We work with a range of universities and Teaching Schools to give individuals access to become successful teachers and if you are interested in training to become a teacher, then The Friary School can provide you with a well-supported route into education.

You will benefit from professional support, close mentoring, approaches with are imaginative and highly effective, and an enthusiasm and passion for the job that will set you up for your long-term career


As school we recognise we are simply the sum of our individual parts and every member of staff is critical to making our school successful for our students and families.

All non-teaching staff benefit from focused appraisal which values individual development and provides a clear framework by which everyone can develop their range, skills and expertise.

Online Qualifications

All staff get access to the well-respected online National College portal which offers extensive training opportunities for all roles and career stages.

Further Information

For more information about our CPD provision at our school, please contact Sam Sullivan, Assistant Headteacher, via office@friaryschool.co.uk.