
Of course, we are delighted that our school is hugely over-subscribed as it at least suggests we are doing some things right.

However, in turn, we are also at times disappointed, as with many staff living locally, we too often know some wonderful children and families that do not secure a place.

School PAN

Our school PAN (Pupil Admission Number) is set at with 210 students per Year group.

This figure is based on Staffordshire County Council’s assessment of our site’s net capacity.

Essentially a school is like an aeroplane – there are only so many seats, and just like a pilot cannot squeeze someone in a toilet, an aisle or an overhead locker, neither can we as a school.

Year 7 Admissions

Our main school admission run is for Year 7 and our annual Admission Policy – which can be viewed on our Policies section of our website – largely follows the prescription laid out by Staffordshire County Council.

Indeed, Staffordshire County Council’s Admissions Team runs our application and appeals process and simply follows the directions – which follow set, legal parameters – which are laid out in the policy.

Mid-Year Admissions

Parents wishing their child wishing to join our school after the January of Year 7 and up to Year 11 should approach the school directly by emailing the request to

If a Year group is full then the school will not be able to offer a place. However, our school offers a waiting list which applies the criteria in our admissions policy. We will contact you should a place become available and you top the list.

Sixth Form Admissions

Our Sixth Form admissions process for the following September / next school year begins in November each year.

We do not offer mid-year admissions in our Sixth Form.

Our Sixth Form application process is based on the following criteria:

  • The application has been received before the new academic year starts.
  • The application meets our main school admissions policy criteria – with current Friary students counting under the sibling rule.
  • The applicant has met the minimum grade requirements – including a minimum of a Grade 4 in English and Maths – to qualify for their chosen academic and/or vocational courses.
  • The reference or supporting information provided in relation to the applicant indicates no significant concern (defined by the school) regarding prior attendance, punctuality, behaviour, attitude to study, or aptitude for proposed courses of study.
  • The applicant lives, or intends to move to live, within a sustainable commuting distance of the school (defined by the school).
  • The school retains a maximum of 110 places per year group.
  • We reserve the right to withdraw an offer of a place if false or inaccurate information is supplied at any time.

Our Sixth Form prospectus and application form can be accessed here.

Further Information

For more information about Admissions, please contact Lottie Hearn, Deputy Headteacher, via