Recently, we had the opportunity to host the latest training for Lichfield District Council’s ‘US Girls’ Project, which Isabella Lydall, Emily White, Grace Burton, Jessica Greaves (Y12) and Chloe Driscoll (Y13) were selected to be ambassadors for this year, after a group interview process.

This session was the students’ first aid training, just one part of the programme where, ultimately, they are aiming to sustain young women’s participation in sport, and working with vulnerable and disadvantaged young women in the local area to develop their self-esteem.

This will be their third certificate achieved through the programme, the others being’ Establishing Positive Communication’ and Level 1 Safeguarding.

Amy Jones, Head of Sith Form, said: “The girls are enjoying collaborating with Sixth Form students from Erasmus Darwin and Chase Terrace to fulfil these aims, and we are getting fantastic feedback on our students’ dedication to the role. Many of them are interested in a career working in childcare, education or charity work, and so this project has been an excellent opportunity for them to be involved in so far.”