The latest netball games took Year 8 and 10 on our travels to play Kingsmead and there was lots to be proud of.

After losing the toss, the Year 8s were not downhearted and just two passes into the game they regained possession of the ball and scored. Friary dominated the first half and brought the score up to 6-0 up.

When it got to half-time, the team talk spoke about improvements in gaining possession and this took hold in the second half with seven further goals scored. The final result say Friary win 13-2.

Next, the Year 10 team won the toss and started with first centre ball. After quickly realising Kingmead’s tactics, the girls adapted their playing arrangements and pushed to score 2 goals in the first half. During half time we swapped places around to keep the opposition on their toes. We injected fresh energy by using roll-in subs for the 2nd half, and though the final score ended with an unfortunate loss, the girls all put in 100% effort and commitment as always.

Hollie Wright, team coach, said: “Both teams showed tremendous spirit and enjoyed the challenge. We got back onto the mini-buses proud of every player”.