We have the remaining Year 11 Saturday Schools booked in as we head towards the Year 11 Mocks and then the final exams.

All of the Saturday Schools take place between 9.30am-11.30am, students need not wear school uniform, and should sign in via Main Reception.

The following Saturday Schools are due to take place:

* Saturday 8 February – Science
* Saturday 1 March – Maths
* Saturday 5 April – French
* Saturday 10 May – English
* Saturday 7 June – Maths

Sophie Grigg, Assistant Headteacher, said: “Our Saturday Schools are a great psychological boost for students who recognise the need and the responsibility to give things up to do well in their exams; Of course, the revision, the support, and the exam technique help, but the biggest boost is the development of the mindset to go for it, to put the work in, and to commit the time and energy needed for success. We would encourage all Year 11 to attend these events and to use them as a driver for summer success.”