Another exciting and successful afternoon at Aldersley stadium saw our Year 9 and 10 students represent the Friary with maturity, respect, and no shortage of talent either.

On a beautiful sunny afternoon there were some excellent results attained including:

1st place for Oli Burnside in 800m
1st place for Georgia Griffith in 800m
1st place for Alfie Bedlow in 1500m
1st place for Olivia Howard-Calder in Discus
1st place for Ellie Irvine in the high jump.

Trudy Simkiss, PE teacher and team organiser, said: “All of the students did the school proud and it was fantastic to kick off the summer athletics seasons with a string of wonderful performances We know these events kick-start students onto bigger and better things and it is fantastic to see the talent coming through in these two Year groups.”