Following our OFSTED visit on 19-20 March 2024 we are in now in a position to share the report with students, parents and our wider community.

The full report can be accessed here.

We were last inspected in November 2017 and were graded good on that occasion.

This recent inspection was a Section 8 Ungraded Inspection which meant that we could not go up from Good to Outstanding – we could only stay the same or go down a grade. We did ask for a full Section 5 Graded Inspection – which would have allowed this upward step to be considered – but this was not possible.

The report is hugely positive and we are delighted that the inspectors recognised the superb work that goes on in our school:

  •  “Pupils thrive at The Friary School and it is easy to see why”
  •  “A culture of high expectations permeates throughout”
  •  “Staff work tirelessly to prepare pupils for their examinations”
  •  “Pupils achieve extremely well”
  •  “Pupils behaviour and conduct are excellent”
  •  “Parents and carers are overwhelming positive about the school”
  •  “The school’s curriculum is highly ambitious”
  •  “The wider development of pupils is exceptionally strong”

This new OFSTED Report connects with our strong exam results that mark our students and the school out both regionally and nationally – see the DfE Performance Tables here.

Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “Any OFSTED Report is very much a reflection of the students, families and community that make up the school and we are very grateful for the fantastic contributions that come in from far and wider to make our school what it is. We seek to provide the best we can so that our students can go out and make their mark in the world. We are thrilled that OFSTED’s Report celebrates this.”

Jane Mackenzie, Chair of Governors, added: “As both a Chair of Governors and a parent at the school, I see the hard work and dedication that the staff put in each and every day and so am delighted that the staff have been so positively acknowledged in the report and in the inspection meetings. Those of us who send our children to the school – including the Headteacher and other staff – know that the school goes the extra mile and we can all be sure this will only continue as we move forward.”