We are producing a series of articles to help parents to support their children facing GCSEs this Summer.

There are four different GCSE French papers – Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening. The Speaking exam will take place before the main exam season starts; indeed, many students have already done very well in it.

Some students are doing the Higher Papers, and others the Foundation papers. Your child will know which one they will be tackling.

Reading Exam

Students need to revise as much of the topic specific vocabulary as possible which is available in the Foundation and Higher Vocabulary booklets attached. Additionally, students can use the attached AQA Reading and Translation booklet to practise comprehension and translation exercises from each unit of work covered.


Writing Exam

Students should build on the basic model answers in the Speaking and Model Answer booklet attached to create written French with more detail and complexity. To add this detail, they should use primarily their GCSE Resource Booklet which is also attached.


Speaking Exam

Students should build on the basic model answers in the Speaking and Model Answer booklet attached to create speaking answers with more detail and complexity. To add this detail, they should use primarily their GCSE Resource Booklet which is also attached.


Listening Exam

Student should log into www.kerboodle.com using the student school account via the single sign-on button on the home page. Students can attempt a range of listening exercises from the Foundation and Higher textbooks covering all topics within our course content. There are answer sheets available via the ‘Resources’ tab in the bottom left of the screen once logged in.


Revision Materials

All students have bene well-prepped for these exams and have received a wide range of revision materials. These have included the following:

GCSE French Resource Booklet

Speaking Model Answer Booklet

Reading Booklet

Foundation Exam Kerboodle Vocab List

Higher Exam Kerboodle Vocab List


Charlie Simpson, Head of Languages, said: “What with the Normandy Trip, the Paris Trip, the parent workshops, and the endless preparation and support in lessons, our students appreciate they have every chance of doing superbly well in these final exams These revision materials have already been circulated and referenced in lessons and they provide extra frameworks and guidance for the revision that will be undertaken in the run up to the final exams. We look forward to seeing out linguists perform well this Summer.”