Year 8s last fixture of the year saw us face all local schools in the annual Netball tournament. Due to a clash with a football fixture, we opted to take a team made up with a mixture of Year 7s and Year 8s.
We had 3 games ahead of us in the round robin. First up was Nether Stowe. It wasn’t the best start as possession wasn’t consistent for either team, but both had opportunities to score and once warmed up things improved. We looked good on the ball and showed great determination to win. However, time caught up with us and the result was 2-2.
Next, we played Codsall, a school we’d watched and seen how skilful they looked. So we had a plan, stick to your player. We went down 3 behind quite quickly but we started to make the right moves and a goal saw us back in the game. However, their remained strong and held out for the win.
The last game of this round was against The Hart. The girls desire showed and they worked the ball beautifully to take opportunities to shoot, whilst also continuing to defend brilliantly to keep them out of any opportunities to shoot. Later in the game, when we were 2-1 up, we made a quick change and with fresh legs scored another goal to walk away with a 3-1 win.
Hollie Wright, team coach, said: “This younger team playing up did fantastically well and the experience was beneficial to helping them to build up and put their skills into practice. Year 8 have done superbly this year and the Year 7 tournament next week is the last of the year.”