The 1 December is the annual Antarctica Day, which celebrates the anniversary of the signing of the Antarctic Treaty and the setting aside of nearly 10% of the Earth “forever to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes … in the interests of all mankind.”

This Focus Week has been part of our push on environmental awareness with our students which ties into our Eco-School Status and out wider PSHE commitment to the world around us.

The week has seen an Exhibition by Garrick House put up outside the school library which relays key information and challenges facing Antarctica and the wider climate.

Also, each House assembly has seen tutor groups lead the presentations with a debate about the conflict over tourism in the Antarctic. Is it right ? Should it be sustainable ? We saw mock news broadcasters, penguin and shark costumes, climate change protesters and every learnt a lot about the whole debate.

More widely, tutor time looked at activities including the pursuit of another planet Earth as this one heads to a seeing decline and a study of the effects of climate change on the world around us.

Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “Our curriculum very much seeks to teach beyond the subject specifics and to see students lead the learning, the arguments, and the debates in the world around us. It has been a lot of fun but there has also been a serious message that we all need to learn how we can make steps to save our planet.”