Our Y9 Partnership Evening was well attended as parents sought out all of the information they could get as their child heads towards Pathways Evening in March and then the GCSE-level courses of Year 10.

There is no doubt that knowledge is power and those parents who make themselves fully aware of the direction their child is heading on are only better placed to ensure their child reaches their best possible destination.

The main presentation focused on the realities of progression, what grades were needed for what destination, and an overview of the Pathways process and critical exam years that are head.

Following this, there were four optional presentations, repeated twice, and parents could choose the two sessions which best suited their knowledge gaps and their child’s needs:

* Main Presentation – Mr Allman
* GCSE History and Geography Advice and Information – Mrs Gisborne & Mr Rivers-Boyce
* Study Skills – Ms Oldfield
* Supporting Your Child in the Community– Ms Walsh
* Future Pathways – Mrs Barrett

Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “Our Partnership Evenings reflect the fact that children do best when home and school are aligned and working towards the same goal. We all know that examination success offers the passport to a range of destinations and if we can balance that with the right support, opportunities and experiences then a fulfilling and happy life awaits.”