Our weekly current affairs quiz has been running through which looks at the newsworthy events in the world around us and then drills down into our Focus Week in school; whether that be Sexual Heath Week or Black History Month.

There are twenty questions each week and the responses are totted up by tutor group and by House group until the end of the year when we can identify the winning House.

After the first half-term, the rankings are as follows:

1. Seward House = 1,087 points
2. Garrick House = 1,078 points
3. Johnson House = 1.034 points
4. Darwin House – 1,025 points

Sam Sullivan, Assistant Headteacher, said: “As well as building up the House competition, this quiz builds up our students knowledge of the wider world, their awareness of British Values and the themes and expectations our society hold central, and contributes to their wider Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) understanding.”