Following the COVID pandemic we went flat out to re-introduce our Duke of Edinburgh programme and took on greater numbers than ever before so that all those who had missed out on such life experiences could grab back what had been previously lost.

As part of this, we entered a huge cohort for the Bronze Award with the Duke of Edinburgh and this culminated in a presentation event attended by students and parents, as well as Grace Morrall-Kelly, DofE Operations Officer for Staffordshire.

Matthew Allen, Isabelle Archer, Oliver Arrowsmith, Izaak Bailey, Elliott Ball, Harry Battams,  Charlie Broome

Gabriella Cole-Pearce, Ethan Couchman, Amelia Hurst, Abigail Ilonzeh,  Abby Johnson, Emmy Johnson, James Lunn

Oliver Lunn, Isabella Lydall, Henry Malone, Phoebe Marsh, Jack O’Neill, Katie Richardson, Campbell Rowe

Abbie Sugden, Akito Tokiwa-Smith, Polly Whitworth, Evan Wynne, Rhys Wynne, Kate Young

Judith Williamson, Duke of Edinburgh Co-Ordinator, said: “We are delighted to see so many students complete all facets of the Bronze Award and we already have healthy cohorts looking to the Silver and Gold Awards. The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme is highly prestigious and only has a positive impact on students lives in terms of commitment, community-awareness and resilience. We are proud to be a Duke of Edinburgh centre and look forward to seeing more students be successful through the awards.”