Last week in school we recognised Sexual Health Week by conducting a series of age appropriate assemblies and tutor activities for students in Y7-13. We also collapsed the timetable for Y9, for two lessons, so that students could attend a carousel of four sex and relationship workshops.

From puberty and awareness of sexuality and sexual attraction in Y7. Readiness for sex in Y8. STIs, contraception, consent and the role of the media in Y9. To the sharing of explicit images, consent and recognising coercion and abuse in relationships for Y10 and Y11. To a revisit of key themes with a focus on a more nuanced approach for our Sixth Formers. We covered a whole host of extremely important issues following the PSHE Association’s guidance throughout.

Helen Barratt, Assistant Headteacher, said: “There is not a student in school that fails to recognise the importance and value we place on Sex and Relationship Education. Whilst we want all our students to achieve the best that they can academically, ensuring that they are equipped to navigate healthy sexual relationships in an ever more complex and changing world is paramount”.

If you would like to re-check the letter sent out to parents about our sex education programme then please click here.