As part of supporting all of our students to succeed in their core GCSE exams we have run a trial where a cohort of Year 11 students undertook their Entry Level Maths Qualification which provides the foundations for stepping up to that critical GCSE Grade 4 in Summer 2024.

A total of 16 students have completed their entry level maths exam last year and all managed to obtain a ‘Pass’ from the Exam Board: Cameron Ashmore, Jack Barnes, Tyler Buet, Jason Burgwin, Lilly Derry, Callum Doyle, Daniel Harris, Oliver Heaton, Cerys Lewis, Ani-Louise McEvoy, Eryn Moore, Alexis Reed-Macbeth, Oscar Singpradang, Ava Smith, Grace Stringer.

Hannah Stewart, Maths teacher and course Co-Ordinator, said: “Much of the content replicates that in GCSE maths so this is a great way to boost confidence and to prepare the groundwork for the Grades 1 and 2 so that we can then push onto the Grades 3 and 4s. The students really worked hard and deserve all their success.”

Matt Allman, Headteacher, added: “Many of us will remember Maths being a tricky one at school so I was thrilled with this proposed course as it helps put the building blocks in place to enable more children to get the Garde 4 in Maths. This grade opens the door to higher level college courses, Sixth Forms and apprenticeships, and the more children we can have getting it then the better. We are so proud of each and every one of them.”