We are delighted that the new crossing has been completed on Eastern Avenue for all of our students who walk to and from school and need to cross this busy road.

You can read more about the road safety work here.

We felt it would be worthwhile flagging up to parents to remind their children of their responsibilities when negotiating busy road and pathways.

Today’s teenagers are prone to have airpods on and so are not always aware of the noise of nearby traffic. We can all remember a time when a teen has been more focused on their phone than on what is going on around them. Elsewhere, peer pressure can see a group stroll across the road making a car stop rather than waiting patiently for the ‘green man’.

We encourage children to cycle to school – and provide cycle sheds and our Bikeability training – but there comes with cycling a responsibility to follow road rules when actually youth can tempt you to take that short cut or to weave in and out of stationary traffic.

Similarly, we bring in driving guidance for Sixth Formers and support them in taking their driving test and lessons – but we know insurance companies would say that young people bring extra risks in terms of their driving.

You can learn more examples about road safety for teens here.

Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “We all remember being teenagers when we felt we were indestructible and could do anything – and whilst this gives the great energy of youth it can also bring a degree of recklessness that can be dangerous. We would also all parents to use this article – and the recent road changes around the school – to remind their child to be conscious and aware of both their and their friend’s safety when negotiating our roads.”