Each Monday morning there will be Year 11 assemblies focusing on the Mock Exams that take place in the 1½ weeks after the half-term break – so between Monday 6 November to Wednesday 15 November.
These assemblies will look at the following topics:
Monday 2 October – Mock Importance
Monday 16 October – Mock Revision
Monday 23 October – Mock Logistics
These Mock exams are highly important. They will be used to inform predicted grades which decide whether a child gets onto a Sixth Form, apprenticeship or college placement. Also, if a child gives their all it means the teacher can know exactly what there strengths and weaknesses ae. They can then work on those weaknesses and get them right for the Summer.
Bex Oldfield, Assistant Headteacher, said; “Unfortunately, the students who do not put in good effort into their Mock Exams rarely get all they are capable of in the real thing. Like an Olympic athlete, the training through the year is critical to succeed in the final race and this applies to GCSE exams too.”
Matt Allman, Headteacher, added; “These assemblies make sure every child goes into the exam hall prepped and ready to deliver. The exams are not the be-all-and-end-all of life but doing well in them makes a big difference on life chances. We have the expectation that every student will give their all and we’ll put in the time – through these assemblies, after-school boosters, and Saturday Schools – to make sure they are ready to go.”