We have published our Extra-Curricular Programme for the Autumn Term on our school website – it is updated each term and it is under the ‘Curriculum – Provision’ tab.
All of the sessions are free and the Autumn Term programme is as follows:
Furthermore, this school year will see Drama and Music rehearsals for shows through the terms whether it be the whole-school show (‘The Sound of Music’) in the Autumn Term, ‘Battle of the Bands’ or the variety show ‘Encore’ in the Spring Term, or the Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9) show (TBC) in the Summer Term.
Elsewhere, Saturday School largely runs from 9.30-11.30am on selected weekends through the school year and these are publicised with targeted students / parents.
These free tutoring sessions largely focus on Year 10 – Year 13 students facing exams though it is an option for any student in the targeted Year group wishing to conduct private study in the slot.
The sessions are voluntary – though occasionally parents may be contacted to ensure their child attends – and they are non-uniform. On arrival students simply sign in at the reception point before going to their sessions.
Finally, Holiday Schools takes place in the February Half-Term, Easter and May Half-Term holidays and are usually directed towards Year 10 – Year 13 students facing exams.
Again, the sessions are voluntary – though occasionally parents may be contacted to ensure their child attends – and they are non-uniform.
Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “Our staff put in a great deal of work with these sessions and we try and put on a wide range. They are of course on top of the numerous booster and revision classes that support those students undertaking examination courses which also run every night of the week. The programme gets updated every term and the end product comes with stars under the stage lights, rock gods at school and community festivals, champions on the sports field or winners in the debating chamber.”