We have provided a Year 6 Summer Transition Pack Year 6 Summer Transition Pack to give our new Year 7s the opportunity to explore some of the subjects they will be studying next year
The purpose of the pack is to provide some guidance on topics that are likely to come up during Year 7. If students choose to complete any of the activities, they can record their achievements on the back page and bring it with them on their first day in September.
It is important to note that this pack is not compulsory. Parents will be best placed to judge whether this would be useful for their child as they make the most of their summer break.
If your child choose to complete any of the activities, they can record their achievements on the back page and bring it with them on their first day in September.
We will carry out a prize draw for any pupils who return their slips to their Form Tutor.
Lottie Hearn, Deputy Headteacher, said: “We know the summer break is a long 6-weeks and some children will enjoy getting their brains occupied by throwing themselves into their transition pack. There was a lot of enthusiasm in the children during their Transition Days and for many this will carry on in this resource pack. However, the most important thing is for all of our students to enjoy a mix of fun and rest this summer so they come back in September refreshed and ready to go.”