Just a reminder that End of Year Reports have been sent out via EduLink.
To access them all you need to do is:
* Open your EduLink App (or go to the EduLink website here)
* Click on your child
* Click on Documents
* Look at the top document entitled ‘Profile DC3’
* Click on the Download icon
The report includes all of the following information:
Behaviour Points
Achievement (House) Points
Target Grades
DC1 Grades (December)
DC2 Grades (April)
DC3 Grades (July)
Effort (July)
There is also a written academic overview comment and a tutor comment too.
The grades are usually following the GCSE grade system of 9-1 (with 9 being the highest and 1 the lowest). If you child is studying a vocational subject then the subject will be graded using vocational grades; Ie – Distinction*, Distinction, Merit and Pass. The grades are compared on this image.
Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “We would always remind parents to access the EduLink app regularly as there are day-by-day updates on all sorts of things, as well as messages, reports, etc. There is no reason any parent cannot get every details on how their child is progressing providing they open the app. The app saves the school £1,000s per year and this is all being put towards the best possible resources and facilities we can muster in these difficult times.”