Our Year 13 students and staff enjoyed both a Leavers’ Assembly and Leavers’ Meal this week as we say goodbye to a special cohort who have gone through various trials and tribulations over the years – not least COVID hit exams – but have come out at the end as an amazing group of students.

The Year 13 Leaver’s Assembly was the usual array of photos, stories, speeches and awards.

The Leavers’ Meal was staged at The George Hotel in Lichfield who put on a fantastic 3-course meal for the students – they were hugely supportive of the school and we were hugely grateful for them helping out students celebrate the end of their schooling.

As the evening drew on, former students drifted in, and the mood turned to late night partying in Lichfield and Birmingham – so our staff went safely home to bed for another day at work.

Helen Barratt, Assistant Headteacher said: “Huge thanks to the fantastic team at The George Hotel who made the event such as special one – the food and service were excellent and they were hugely supportive of the fact that we are a school staging an event. We are lucky to have such a business there for the community in our city. The students were fantastic – we would expect nothing less – and it was a pleasure to spend time with them. All eyes turn to Results Day now and we’ll keep everything crossed until then.”