Following our recent Y12 UCAS Evening we spoke to parents about the wide range of guidance and sources of information out there to make sure the best possible deal is gained when it comes to going to university.
Consequently, we have collated a lot of the details into this one article with weblinks to take you to various topics and opportunities.
Post Sixth Form Information Useful Links
One Stop Shop
All Sixth Form student have – and parents can get – a username and password for Unifrog which is the best one-stop-place we know to get all information about universities:
Unifrog – The universal destinations platform.
University and Student Finance
The cost of going to university is significant though the potential gains through the right course and the right direction far outweigh these costs. Even so, it is critical to fully understand the financial costs and implications of taking the university route:
UCAS | At the heart of connecting people to higher education
Complete University Guide – University Rankings, Guides and Courses (
Best universities in the UK 2023 – University Rankings (
University guide | The Guardian
University Admissions Tests | UCAS | UKCAT, BMAT, LNAT And More
Student finance – GOV.UK (
Student loans: the truth about uni fees, loans & grants – MSE (
We strongly believe that apprenticeships are a fantastic route as they offer no university debts, can go up to degree level and come with greater job security at the end:
Find an apprenticeship – GOV.UK (
Apprenticeship search / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education
Amazing Employers – Amazing Apprenticeships
Apprenticeships | GetMyFirstJob
Gap Year
Today’s teenagers will likely be working into their 70s – providing AI hasn’t taken over the planet – so taking a gap year to explore the world and grow into yourself is a great route to stepping into university and employment:
How do universities view gap years? – The Uni Guide
▷ Plan My Gap Year | Volunteer Abroad 2023 | Volunteer World
Volunteer Abroad with Plan My Gap Year | #1 Most Affordable Programs
Do a gap year in Spain – Learn Spanish, internships, volunteering (
Studying Abroad
Alternatively, foreign travel can be gained by simply studying overseas and recent stories have seen Friary students strike out into the USA and beyond:
Studee – Study Abroad Programs – Find your Dream University
Study Abroad & Internships | IES Abroad
Lastly, there are some students who simply want to get into the world of work and get earning and this can be a great decision providing you carefully research where you want to be in the long-term and ensure the immediate steps help you to get there:
Post 18 options | National Careers Service
Careerpilot : Get information : Your choices at 18 : Internships and work placements
Find a job – GOV.UK (
Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “Our students will get high-quality and sustained careers guidance throughout their time with us but the role of home and family is critical too. As with most things, knowledge is power and choices are always better if they are well-informed so these weblink will go a long way into joining the dots for students facing a new world for them and parents facing a world very different to the one they step out into years ago.”