As part of our ‘Girls Can’ push on women’s sports, over 60 girls headed to Loughborough to watch a Super League Netball match between Loughborough Lightening and London Pulse. This was the first experience of live netball for many and the excitement around the area was great with a pack out arena.
Not only did the girls get to watch a well contested game of netball, in which Pulse snuck the win in the last 5 minutes, but they also had fun in the Photo Booth and during the half-time shoot out.
Even after the match finished, some managed to get a few selfies with the players and autographs to keep, and then the raucous sing-song on the coach home summed up a fabulous evening with a group of fantastic girls who represent the school superbly.
Hollie Wright trip organiser, said: “This year has seen high-level rugby training, girls’ trips to see Aston Villa with players then coming in to coach, and now this netball trip, so we are doing all we can to motivate and inspire our girls to know that they ‘can’ do anything.”