In the week that it snowed in March, we had over 190 students signed up to complete Level 3 Bikeability – the challenge of Lichfield’s road is one thing but freezing temperatures and slippery surfaces only dd to this.

The aim of the course is to gain confidence riding along roads on their bikes. Once the instructors had assessed how competent on their bikes, the students planned a route to follow and headed off into Lichfield.

Throughout the course students gained confidence passing queuing traffic, negotiating traffic lights, use multi-lanes and roundabouts, while riding along with other cyclists. Pushing out of some comfort zones, they even managed to ride on roads with a speed limit above 30pmh, while avoiding drivers’ blind spots, which impressed the instructors. All students who completed the course were awarded a badge and certificate for their excellent efforts.

Unfortunately, towards the end of the week, the snow interrupted and sessions were postponed, which sadly impacted 2 days. However, new dates have been secured for the Summer Term. More details to follow.

Hollie Wright, event organiser, said: “We knew the weather was against us all week, but students didn’t let that defeat them and powered through. They learnt important life skills, revigorated the use of a lot of bikes and learned the skills to keep safe while riding.”