Parents will be well aware that we have improved our site security and safeguarding measures through the installation of fencing around the entire site and electronic gates at the front of school.

The fencing around the school site means that intruders cannot enter easily and children are kept secure through the school day.

Meanwhile, any parents who has visited our school at the start, and particularly the end, of the school day will well know the dangers caused by parental pick-ups on site, the packed forecourt area, and the blocking of the new zebra crossings and marked paths by errant drivers.

Consequently, we are planning to ensure the school gates are closed to casual access between 8.25am-9.00am, 2.30pm-3.20pm, and 9.30pm-6.30am.

Access will only be available to those with passes or public school transport providers.

We would urge parents not to visit the school at this time as we do not want the intercom blocking access for buses that have 80+ children waiting for one car that is picking up one child.

Lisa Pratt, School Manager, said: “Following Health & Safety advice, and simply common sense when viewing the area, the new school gates will make the arrival and departure of our students far safer. We would advise parents to arrange meeting points further afield – and within a 5 minute walk there are plenty of options – so that the main exit point is safe and the collection of students is spread out so there is less congestion. No arrangements are perfect, but these replicate other local schools and are far safer than the old ‘free-for-all’ system.”

Matt Allman, Headteacher, added: “The funding for this new site security and safeguarding project was secured through a successful bid only attainable through our academy status. It would be correct to say that these improved arrangements could not have been funded by the school alone, particularly in the present climate. Since academising we have successfully bid to secure an extra £3million+ and this has enhanced our school site massively.”