Our recent Focus Week saw the school take part in UK Parliament Week which aims to educate students on varying aspects of governance in the UK.

All students undertook tutor time activities that examined the role of Parliament and the key players within it. They also looked at the role of social media and debated its positive and negative impacts on shaping people’s opinions.

Elsewhere, our Sixth Formers had visits from Conservative District Councillor and Mayor of Lichfield Jamie Checkland, and Liberal District Councillor, and our ward’s representative, Paul Ray. The students were able to put their questions to them including asking them their views on local issues such as potholes, the pedestrianisation of Lichfield and affordable houses. They also questioned them on wider national issues such as the gender pay gap, environmental sustainability and whether MPs should be allowed to go on ‘I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here’.

Helen Barratt, Assistant Headteacher, said: “We live in an era where young people are confident in expressing their views on the society that they are growing into and we understand that they will play a crucial role in shaping our world’s future. The first area they can impact is their local community so we were delighted to welcome in District Councillors to talk through their role and ideas. Many of our students go onto university and join political societies, etc, and this Focus Week was very much about helping them to shape their ideas and to form their own views as they develop their take on the world.”