A key part of our school’s provision for those students undertaking their GCSE-level courses is that we extend their school day to fit in more chance to learn and progress. This could be after-school, over the weekend, or during the school holidays.

As the Year 10 Engineering course gets underway it was fantastic to see so many students taking the opportunity to hone their skills ready for their product manufacture in their first project during the after-school booster sessions.

The brief set by the exam board is to replicate a craft vice which is predominantly made from metals.

Students have made a great start to their manufacturing and are enjoying using tools and machines which they haven’t used lower down the school. The milling machine is proving extremely popular and we are confident of some very good results.

Jeremy Hutton, our Design and Technology technician, said: “These small group sessions are superb as it is chance to share knowledge and expertise from my career in industry in individual contexts and this sparks the children to think about Engineering in terms of careers and aspirations.”

Alison Cartwright, Head of DT & Art, added: “We are very much a team that looks to go the extra mile with our students, and whilst results have been strong for a good while, we never take the children’s success for granted. Hard work and extra effort never hurt anyone in the long-term.”