Our recent Y12 Partnership Evening was well attended and saw parents of Y12 students come into school to look at the year ahead and to understand the key decision and destinations facing their child in the two crucial years of Sixth Form.

Initially, parents met with the Headteacher in the theatre and received a clear explanation of their child’s year ahead and progression within their stage and context.

 Subsequently, parents have a choice of two sessions from a menu of four (each of which was repeated) which covered:

 An Introduction to Unifrog – Sarah {Phillips (Head of Sixth Form)

Higher Level Apprenticeships – Alonzo Simpson (ASK Apprenticeships)

Student Finance – Mr D Uppal (Demontfort University)

Why Higher Education  – The University of Wolverhampton


Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “We are firm believers that if parents and our school are wholly aligned on how the school year will pan out, what challenges need to be faced, and what approaches can work, then every child has a much better chance of succeeding. The most successful children benefit from strong home support and we rely on our parents to enable us to help their children to shine.”