Working with Year 12 students to prepare them for the risks and responsibilities of driving in the near-future, Road Safety Officer Kevin Wilcox today visited the school to highlight to students the need for safe and sensible decision-making when behind the wheel.
The workshop involved Kevin sharing real life cases in which drivers whose lacking road safety awareness had ended in dangerous and often disastrous consequences.This, along with some eye-opening statistics and reflective conversation, meant that students were reminded about the accountability that comes with driving a vehicle.
Sarah Phillips, Head of Sixth Form, said, “Many of our Year 12 students will soon be learning to drive, so this session has been particularly relevant and useful to them all. The students all engaged fantastically with Kevin’s session and their mature approach showed an appreciation for the need to be careful when on the road – not only as a driver but also as a pedestrian. Students were shocked by some of the facts and figures that Kevin revealed about the consequences of careless driving and came away from the morning feeling well informed about how they can help to keep the road a safer place. It was a valuable, insightful, and important workshop for us all.”