Parents will be aware that our school is a member of the Greywood Multi-Schools Trust and that we work closely with Queen’s Croft Special School (Lichfield) and Henry Chadwick Primary School (Hill Ridware).There have been some significant benefits of academy conversion; for example, partnership work on teaching provision and over £3million ponds of site investment which we could not have gained any other way
As part of improving communication between the schools, the Greywood MST made the decision to alter school email addresses and this step was taken over the weekend.
Staff and student emails are changed
Ie – Old Email – USERNAME
Ie – New Email – USERNAME
It is important to note that passwords remains the same.
This change is being filtered through the school via lessons and systems and key packages like Show My Homework can be signed in as before simply by using the new email address.
We are aware that some students have their school emails on personal devices at home. This can be changed by deleting the current information in Outlook and then re-signing in with the new email address and old password
Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “Any such change bring a few hiccups but the MST is confident the long-term benefits of this change will make it well worthwhile. If any students or parents have any problems then then can contact us for support via or by calling Main Reception on 01543 267 400.”