Our Sixth Form Centre is being extended over the summer holidays to provide a larger and more flexible study place for our most senior students.
The £150,000 extension is supported in a combined effort by the school and the Greywood MST and is scheduled for completion for September 2021.
Lisa Pratt, School Manager, said: “This project is only part of major works across the school site as we endeavour to further improve our excellent facilities before our students return in the new school year. It is another year of a bold and ambitious project for the summer break but we’ll be on it throughout the holiday and have excellent contractors and site staff on board to give their all to bring it in on time.”
Matt Allman, Headteacher, added: “Our Sixth Form results have been outstanding in recent times but we know there is no feasibility in us resting on any laurels as every good year needs another one to follow it and it would be lax to presume things will always go so well. Both staff and students are excited about the project so it is all hands to the pun to get it done.”