Our emphasis on Key Stage Three reading remains a high priority even as we roll into the last week of term. This is why our most recent Reading Reward winners received their prizes.

The prizes were: Platinum – £10 book token, Gold – £5 book token, Silver – Funky Stationary, and   Bronze – Bookmark.

The winners were as follows:

Platinum – Rosie Walker
Gold – Katie Sandel
Bronze and Silver – George Burgess, Emma Derrick, Cerys Thompson
Bronze – Olivia Howard-Calder

Simon Daniels, Head of English, said: “We are delighted that the enthusiasm for reading is being maintained and that these fantastic students obtained these rewards”

Matt Allman, Headteacher, added: “There is a great weight of evidence that illustrates that those children who read regularly achieve far better in their final exams than those children who do not. With six weeks Summer Holiday ahead of us it is a good time to flag up the recommended reading lists on the school website: https://www.friaryschool.co.uk/library/“.