The Year 6 Transition Days were under tremendous pressure due to the COVID situation, but they successfully ran through and saw Year 6 students get a reduced but valuable experience of Friary life in readiness for September 2021.
Both days saw bubbled or distanced sessions including a tour of the school, lessons, outdoor activities and a canteen feast so the full range was crammed into the morning sessions.
There was one glitch when a positive COVID case at Willows Primary School saw their involvement postponed but an alternative session has been put in place for after their isolation withdrawal. The Willows senior team were superb in passing on information, providing support and arranging an alternative slot.
Elsewhere, parents got the chance to fire in questions on a Facebook Live broadcast, the Transition Times will be published over the next few weeks to give extra details on school life, and liaison with primary schools continues to gather all we can to ease transition.
Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “It was fantastic to meet all of the children joining us next year and they were just as bubbly, enthusiastic and bright as we hoped. The children also have an afternoon on Thursday 2 September to visit the school so we are confident we can settle them smoothly when the new term begins.