Our Geography Department ran a year 7 GIS study session after school. GIS stands for Geographical Information Systems. These are digital maps with layers of information. They are used for websites, sat navs and for the emergency services.

During the session, students gathered information to answer the question: How does the quality of the environment vary across our school site?  The group used the Survey123 app to move around the school grounds and use their mobile phones to gather georeferenced data.  Back in the computer room, they imported and merged their data using ArcGIS software.  This allowed them to map their results and reach some conclusions.  They found that:

  • Overall, the Friary school site has a high environmental quality.
  • We gave particularly high scores to our large playing field with rural views.
  • Mrs Brickett’s gardening club have improved the open space between the W rooms and the Science rooms.
  • Even our areas of concrete have green borders!

The Friary’s Year 12 Geography class were also at the session. They were on hand to guide the younger students through this high-level task. They will be using the GIS software for their NEA (coursework) later this year.

Helen Young, Geography Teacher, said: “ArcGIS is industry standard software. It’s the most powerful mapping and spatial data analytics technology available in the UK.  It’s great that our year 7 students are able to access this software and learn how to use it. Thanks to Mrs Armour, Mr Egan and our brilliant Sixth Form geographers for giving up their time to help out.”